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8 Ways To Protect Your Pets From Electrical Hazards?

There are many ways to protect pets from electrical hazards and ensure they are safe. From hiding cables to ensuring appliances are unplugged, certain small tasks can prevent major pet electrical hazards. It is important to utilise these methods to make sure your pets are safe from electrical harm around the home. Here at The Local Electrician, our Emergency Electrician team will perform any electrical jobs, including those that will help protect pets from electrical hazards. 

8 ways to protect pets from electrical hazards are:

  • Use quality electrical equipment
  • Do not leave electrical items exposed
  • Keep electrical cords away from pets
  • Unplug the electrical plug when it is not in use
  • Set up an electrical-free area
  • Train your pet to not enter rooms with electrical cords and appliances 
  • Ensure outdoor electrical power systems are away from pets
  • Pet proof electrical systems
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How do I Protect Pets from Electrical Hazards

The main steps to perform to protect pets from electrical hazards are:

Use quality electrical equipment

For the electrical safety of pets and also people and appliances around the home, ensuring the electrical equipment used is good is needed. Old wiring, circuit breakers, electrical outlets and other systems that are old, especially over 40 years old are more likely to cause electrical issues, such as electric shock and fire hazards. Thinner and cheaper cables that are not of the highest quality and are installed around the home also pose a risk to pets and people due to them being more likely to overheat and spark. 

Do not leave electrical items exposed

Electrical appliances that are left on and unattended can mean pets can play with them. Pets can accidentally knock them over, play with the cord and do other things to potentially cause an electrical hazard. To prevent this from happening, turn off the appliances when there will be no one around.

Keep electrical cords away from pets

Ensure power cords and power strips, such as phone chargers and data cabling, are away from pets at all times. Electrical cords are often one of the biggest hazards to pets because they can become tangled, chem them or touch exposed wiring which can shock them. To keep pets safe from cords tie many together and hide them from the pets. 

Unplug the electrical plug when it is not in use

To prevent pets from playing with the power plug, unplug the device and hide the plug. It is also important to not unplug the plug and keep it in the open as the exposed prongs can potentially hurt pets. 

Set up an electrical-free area

Setting up an electrical-free zone for pets is an option if pets are left alone and are known to play with cords, plugs and appliances. A room or space can be dedicated to having no electrical systems present or hidden from the pets. Ensure the space has windows for ventilation but to protect the pet from accidentally playing with electricals when unattended, setting up this room can help. 

Train your pet to not enter rooms with electrical cords and appliances 

Pets may play with electrical cables and appliances so training pets to stay away from these can prevent pets from being hurt by electrical hazards. Each pet will be different but there are different methods to have pets stay away from electrical cables. Making loud noises when they touch the cable to scare them away or using a citrus spray or bitter agent to disinterest the pet from the cable are some ways. 

Ensure outdoor electrical power systems are away from pets

Pets that dig may accidentally make contact with electrical cables running underground. Guinea pigs, rabbits and dogs are the main pets that are likely to when they dig in the yard reach electrical systems. Installing these systems away from the areas where pets may dig can help. Also, if there are any electrical cables on the surface ensure that they are hidden away from pets. 

Pet proof electrical systems

The main way to pet proof electrical systems includes hiding the electrical cables and plugs. Pet proofing means that instead of protecting the cables from pets rather remove them from the area to prevent pet chewing situations from occurring. Instead of spending money on pet proof items, removing the cables and plugs from the area is a cost effective measure.

Reliable Emergency Electricians here to Protect Pets from Electrical Hazards

When needing an emergency electrician to perform services that ultimately protect pets from electrical hazards, The Local Electrician is here. Our fully qualified electricians can replace and install electrical wiring, power points and other systems of the home. These can be done to protect pets from electrical hazards and also people and other electrical systems.

We offer our electrical services, which also includes professional Level 2 Electrician work, to all of Sydney, including Greater Western Sydney, North Shore and Northern Beaches.


For the best electricians to perform tasks that ultimately protect pets from electrical hazards – rely on The Local Electrician!

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Our skilled electricians are qualified to carry out any electrical repair or installation within Sydney. We strive to deliver absolute customer satisfaction by offering electrical services that are affordable, safe and long lasting.

Chris Madikian